divendres, 31 de gener del 2014

My resoultions 2014.

My resolution 2014.

Competències Bàsiques.

Writing 1

Hi auntie, 

How are you? I hope you're well. I'm writing to tell you about my new friend. He name is Liam, He's a good person because in the first day I need help and he helps me, after, he become my  friend. Liam is 16 years, is Spanish and his eyes are green. He loves animals like me, he got three cats. He's a cheerful person, kind, polite ... but is not very intelligent. I think he is a beautiful person.

Lots of love,

Writing 2

Las weekend I wake up at ten o' clock, because I went with my friends. In the morning I went in Figueres with my friend and he mum. After we went in Fortia.When we arrived we ate pizza, a lot of pizza. When finished we went a take photos on special place. After all I went home.

dijous, 30 de gener del 2014

Last Christmas.

Last Christmas i went a family houses, a parties, birthdays party (my mum, my brother, my cosuin and my oncle). Also i studied for exams, stayed with my best friends in Girona...

In New Year went my cousin house because celebrate her birthday and a New Year. So, I went in Girona (Espai Girones) with my mum and brother, i bought so clothes. My mum gave me my favorite book, Shadows Hunters. Also i watched many series, How I Meet Your Mother, Modern Family, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, Sleepy Hollow... and i ate a lot of chocolate!!!!!.

