divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014




When was William Shakespeare born?

- He was born in 1564.

Where was Shakespeare born?

- He was born in Stratford upon Avon.

How many plays did Shakespeare write?

- He wrote 38 plays.

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?

- He wrote 154 sonnets.

What's the name of the ‘Shakespeare theatre' in London?

- The name of his theathre is The Glove Theatre.

‘To be or not to be, that is the question?’ is from which play? 

- It Was from Hamlet.

dissabte, 1 de febrer del 2014

Love Song.

Lyrics:                         Translation:

Hey there Delilah                                                                                      Que hay Delilah
What's it like in new York city                                                           cómo es allá en Nueva York
I'm a thousand miles away                                                               estoy a mil millas de distancia
but girl tonight you look so pretty                                                     pero niña esta noche te ves hermosa
Yes you do                                                                                                       así es.
Time square can't shine as bright as you                                        Time Square no brilla tanto cómo tu
I swear it's true.                                                                                        juro que es verdad.

Hey there Delilah                                                                                    Que hay Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance                                                  no te preocupes por la distancia
I'm right there if you get lonely                                                         estaré ahí si te sientes sola
Give this song another listen                                                            escucha de nuevo esta canción
Close your eyes                                                                                           cierra tus ojos
Listen to my voice it's my disguise                                                    escucha mi voz, es mi disfraz
I'm by your side.                                                                                          estoy a tu lado.

Oh it's what you do to me                                                                  Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                                  Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                                  Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                                  Oh es lo que me haces
What you do to me.                                                                            lo que tu me haces.

Hey there Delilah                                                                                 Que hay Delilah
I know times are getting hard                                           sé que las cosas se estan poniendo difíciles
But just believe me girl                                                               pero tan sólo créeme chica
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar                        algún día pagaré las facturas con esta guitarra
We'll have it good                                                                                   nos irá bien.
We'll have the life we knew we would                         tendremos la vida que sabíamos que tendríamos
My word is good                                                                         mi palabra es buena

Hey there Delilah                                                                                  Que hay Delilah
I've got so much left to say                                                      me quedan muchas cosas por decir
If every simple song I wrote to you                                          si cada simple canción que te escribi
Would take your breath away                                                           te quitara el aliento.
I'd write it all                                                                                       lo escribiría todo
Even more in love with me you'd fall                                     te enamorarias incluso más de mi
We'd have it all                                                                                 lo tendríamos todo.                      

Oh it's what you do to me                                                            Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                            Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                            Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                            Oh es lo que tu me haces.

A thousand miles seems pretty far 
                               mil millas parecen muy lejos                                But they've got planes and trains and cars                 pero tienen aviones, coches y trenes                   I'd walk to you if I had no other way                               iría andando hasta ti sino me quedase otra
Our friends would all make fun of us                            nuestros amigos se reirían de nosotros
and we'll just laugh along because we know                y nosotros nos reiremos porque sabemos
That none of them have felt this way                            que ninguno de ellos se ha sentido así
Delilah I can promise you                                                    Delilah te puedo prometer
That by the time we get through                                      que cuando todo esto haya acabado
The world will never ever be the same                              el mundo nunca volverá a ser igual
And you're to blame                                                                           gracias a ti

Hey there Delilah                                                                            Que hay Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me                                       sé buena y no me eches de menos
Two more years and you'll be done with school              dos años más y habrás acabado el cole
And I'll be making history like I do                                   y yo estaré haciendo historia cómo lo hago
You know it's all because of you                                                sabrás que todo es por ti
We can do whatever we want to                                       que podemos hacer lo que queramos
Hey there Delilah here's to you                                        que hay Delilah aqui está para ti
This ones for you.                                                                             ésta es por ti.

Oh it's what you do to me                                                           Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                           Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                           Oh es lo que me haces
Oh it's what you do to me                                                           Oh es lo que me haces
What you do to me.                                                                        Lo que me haces.

