dimarts, 17 de juny del 2014


In all my life I have had many pets.My first pet was a fish, a very rare fish. But after 1 week died and went down the toilet.After we had a dog, Annie, but we also just fine, at least lasted 4 years.When we moved house, we found a wounded stray cat and we were, we called Peter. A few years later along with Peter tuvimon a rabbit, Konnie, the poor did not last long, in summer we went to the beach with the family and we had escaped back is hard 1year.Then came another rabbit named Born. Then we had another cat, Loky. 
Imagine having two cats and a rabbit over Bor, was very strange because sometimes was coming down to fuck cats, I could not stop laughing because it was very, very strange.After three years Peter became ill and sent it to a vet but it was too late and it was too old (I have a shirt with his picture of a birthday). At the end we were only Loky and Bor, Bor but also escaped (I was 11 and my brother whenever we ate rabbit Bor said it was me or Konnie was very unkind.)At the end just stay Loky. Later we had another cat "White" is funny because it has all the gray back like tiger spots, gray legs and white roses end and fingers, and the breast is all white.

My life.

My name is Alba and was born on April 4, 1996 in Figueres, Easter day.My mother since I was little is a disease that unfortunately many people have it but still has no cure and can only take pills for pain.I have an older brother named Vidal was born on December 5, 1993.When I was little we lived in an apartment, small but cozy.When my brother fulfilled 5 years and made the party, shortly after starting and all the food was just me and my brother and wanted more, so here we oblige our father to go and buy.Unfortunately most never returned, he had a motorcycle accident.A few years later we moved to a new house, is huge with pool and garden (for a change). My mother really suffer being alone and caring for three people but luckily fell in love again, named Antonio.Unfortunately there was a problem with the company you work for Antonio and had to be in jail for over 6 years.My mother though not demostrava was a wreck, we no longer heramos crios and knew about, the end of the day it was no different than when my father died not we understood Why us (we were kids aged 5 and 2 years).When I finally left the jail became very changed. The other had a back problem and I had to have surgery. Everything was fine, but later it was not the same as before, I came back drunk, discussed for anything and back again, but deep down they loved so were reconciled.Antonio could not find work and was very difficult for my mother to take care of the 4, among other things. After a very unusual year, when I returned from school my mother told me she was gone.
A day will give us pretty well, but every time my mother this but your enfermidad and not what will happen in the future.

Bye Bye ESO

5 years ago I started the ESO.At first I was scared to death, because it was the first time entrava and all were very high and short, I was a sickly. I was so afraid of not knowing anyone, but luckily I got to be with many friends and my best friend in the same class. Everything was new, there were more SUBJECTS teacher for each subject, ...Pass course and everything was fine, Huze many friends, but also had many problems. 
In the second year was easier and because it was not the first time. I became more lazy and my grades dropped a lot, also known today who is my best friend (we are the lalala trio). Because of my notes I had to repeat second. Tocava because I was afraid to start over, but luckily a big friend havia also repeated for family reasons and estavamos together. 
At the end was not so, the whole class had a good vibe.After many tests pass recovery at the end but I had 4 very difficult.The last year has been very special, we have all made very good friends, Prom have gone to Berlin for 4 days and it was spectacular.What a shame I can not wait to get it over, but then I am sorry.


 Foto: Mis sersihs

My best FRIENDS.

My loveeeee.


When my best friend was listening to a song and I loved it. One day I asked for the name of the band but he did not remember.
Time passed and I could not stop listening to their songs (my friend had all the in your MP3) and had no internet and could not find it at the end I got tired.

A few days later, I finally came the internet connection and I started looking for information. Is unfortunately discovered that the group had separated.
With my best  friends we decided we would go if there was a concert.
My favorite songs are: Wonderwall, Don't look back in anger, wathever. :D

News: Man holds a women.



pleading: suplicar.

abseil: baixar una corda .

slipped: relliscar.

A woman is locked in her room for 5 hours, juesto when they want to throw out the window a firefighter appears and saves her.

A striking image.

In this photo, I can see a group of grandmothers dancing.
Are in a class, background there's a tables and chairs, I guess they are in a class of some shool.
In the foreground you can see a granmother woth pom poms in a hand, with a sportswear.

In this photo you can see how people have fun despite their age you just see their faces.
 well you do not want to exercise?

Tourist Interview.

Where are you from?
- Corea.
Is it the first time that you are in Spain?
 -No,second time in to years.
How did you come here?By plane, train, ship or train? 
-For vacation in a train.
 Why are you in Barcelona?
-For the weather.
 How long are you going to stay here?
- 4 days.
 Are you travelling with family or friends?
- With my couple.
 What have you visited up to know?
- Sagrada Familia.
 Have you bought any present?
 -Yes, clothes.
How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or on foot? 
-Underground and a bus.
 Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish?
Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
 -Yes, Paella.
 Do you think Barcelona is expensive?
Is there anything you don't like?
 -Nothing , Barcelona it's perfect.
 Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends?
-Of course.
Will you come back again?

