dimarts, 17 de juny del 2014

Bye Bye ESO

5 years ago I started the ESO.At first I was scared to death, because it was the first time entrava and all were very high and short, I was a sickly. I was so afraid of not knowing anyone, but luckily I got to be with many friends and my best friend in the same class. Everything was new, there were more SUBJECTS teacher for each subject, ...Pass course and everything was fine, Huze many friends, but also had many problems. 
In the second year was easier and because it was not the first time. I became more lazy and my grades dropped a lot, also known today who is my best friend (we are the lalala trio). Because of my notes I had to repeat second. Tocava because I was afraid to start over, but luckily a big friend havia also repeated for family reasons and estavamos together. 
At the end was not so, the whole class had a good vibe.After many tests pass recovery at the end but I had 4 very difficult.The last year has been very special, we have all made very good friends, Prom have gone to Berlin for 4 days and it was spectacular.What a shame I can not wait to get it over, but then I am sorry.


 Foto: Mis sersihs

My best FRIENDS.

My loveeeee.

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