dimarts, 17 de juny del 2014


In all my life I have had many pets.My first pet was a fish, a very rare fish. But after 1 week died and went down the toilet.After we had a dog, Annie, but we also just fine, at least lasted 4 years.When we moved house, we found a wounded stray cat and we were, we called Peter. A few years later along with Peter tuvimon a rabbit, Konnie, the poor did not last long, in summer we went to the beach with the family and we had escaped back is hard 1year.Then came another rabbit named Born. Then we had another cat, Loky. 
Imagine having two cats and a rabbit over Bor, was very strange because sometimes was coming down to fuck cats, I could not stop laughing because it was very, very strange.After three years Peter became ill and sent it to a vet but it was too late and it was too old (I have a shirt with his picture of a birthday). At the end we were only Loky and Bor, Bor but also escaped (I was 11 and my brother whenever we ate rabbit Bor said it was me or Konnie was very unkind.)At the end just stay Loky. Later we had another cat "White" is funny because it has all the gray back like tiger spots, gray legs and white roses end and fingers, and the breast is all white.

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